Mlondolozi Hempe
Design Director , Broad Based Design
Mlondolozi Hempe is a South African multidisciplinary designer, curator and consultant based in Cape Town . Hiswork covers furniture design, architecture, interior design and sustainable design consulting. Hempe has directorship position in multiple companies, his leadership skills allows him to be instrumental in thedevelpopment and growth of these entities. This positions him to be the go to person for startegic thinking. Hisvast multi disciplinary experience allows Hempe to approach problems from various point of understanding makinghim an effective problem solver. Some of his work covers: Through his company Umongo he has curated exhibitions at Design Indaba, and Santa Fe New Mexico. Hisaesthetic for design can be seen from collaborations with internationally recognised South African designers andartists. He believes collaboration is a strong foundation for purposeful design .
He is the co-founder and design director of architectural studio Broad Based Design their focus is on redefiningaffordable housing to give access and opportunity to everyone. He shared his philosophy in global stages, such asthe UIA 2017 in Seoul where he presented his paper "Intergraded Living in a Post-Apartheid Sate". Hempe has a passion for sustainability which he continues to enable under PJC+Partners a sustainability designcompany focusing on building performance design where he is director. He has delivered Green Star Ratings forsome landmark buildings in the South African building skyline these include, 140 West, Sandton, Johannesburg,winner of the SAPOA Innovation Award for Best Commercial Building 2018, Sable Park, Century City ,CapeTown, winner of the SAPOA Innovation Excellence Award for Best office Development 2019. Hempe has further been invited to be on the judging panel for the Dezeen Awards 2021 , World Interior news2021, Re-Thinking The Future Awards 2021 and World Architecture Awards2021.